Industrial and intellectual property

We are a company with professional experience since 1927 dedicated to the integral management of industrial property (patents, trademarks, industrial designs), intellectual property, and copyrights.

Our services for the integral management of industrial property:

About us

SANZ BERMELL INTERNACIONAL offers integral services in Industrial and Intellectual Property. It is formed by Mr. Alejandro Sanz-Bermell, Lawyer, Official Industrial Property Agent, European Patent Agent and Mandatorially accredited by the EUIPO and WIPO, and by a team of lawyers and engineers specializing in different legal and technical fields. We also have a wide range of collaborators who can specialize in the needs of our firm. Your company only has to inform us of its claim, and the professionals of SANZ BERMELL INTERNACIONAL will put in place all the necessary means for a correct achievement of the intended purpose.

industrial and intellectual property

Do you want to know how we can help you with the integral management of industrial property?